Saturday, July 17, 2021

All-is-One, One-is-All (2017)

People know WHAT TO DO (the RIGHT THINGS) but often not WHY…

MIMICKING other “smart” humans in their ACTIONS, THOUGHTS...

[Mirror Neurons]

Behavior Patterns, Rationalizing...

Not questioning the DEEPER reason why, or even HOW


Who makes us want things?

Or act the way we do- see the WAY we see things


Can’t Stop...the World from Turning

Us from Yearning

The Wind Swirling

The Magic Wand Twirling

Play in the Sun

Wait for No One

Talk to Everyone for a Change

*Don’t forget that the Earth cares


Do you believe in THE TRUTH?



A Path to Knowing -----> Happiness

A Guiding Principle

A System of Wonder, Being -----> Humanity


  • Humanity as an Organism

  • GOD represents the entire WHOLE HUMAN RACE

  • GOD expresses EVOLUTION

  • YHWH knows all- YHWH knows no end

The Incomprehensible

    The Unknowable

The Unanswerable Questions


The people do not want to hear the truth. The truth hurts. People want to protect their worldview, often for selfish reasons. The truth changes everything. People do not wish to change despite the fact that everything changes.

Free yourself with knowledge.

People believe what they want to believe because it makes them feel good.

Free yourself from false beliefs.


We often do negative things with positive intentions

“The Road to Hell is paved with Good Desires”


Life expresses Itself through US

ART expresses ourselves.

We know Ourselves through the medium of art.

We learn of each other through the ART of Communication.

Creation is a process of activity.


The Dark Smile of the Night

The Light of Creation

The Light of the Mind

Without Eyes we would not See

Without Light our eyes would know only Darkness

*Enlightenment= making Knowledge appear as Light illuminates what would otherwise be hidden in the Darkness of Ignorance

Without a Mind, we would not OBSERVE with our eyes- we would not observe the Mind

Who (or what) is the Observer? The Doer and Thinker

Hearing the Mind “Out There”

Communicating with the “Ether”

Listening to the Questions and Answers

Participating with an External “Mind” -----> 

a Higher Consciousness produced by the <<Interplay of Human Voices>>

Discussions of the Nature of the Self -----> 

Forming a Social Reality 

(in which the Individual feels as One with Everything-and-Everyone -----> 

a Social Reality comprised of Thoughts

“Thought-Genes” [Memes]

A social consciousness created through/by our Beings [a Being-Outside-of-Ourselves] through Communication of Meaning- Knowledge and Myth]

Is the Mind a Science of Its Own? Science of Minds

If one does not accept the existence of an objective reality outside of what is created by the mind, does one reject their own existence?

The Subjective-world carries meaning through/by Inter-subjectivity -----> 

The interrelationship of Subjective experiences creates a World-consciousness (Cosmic consciousness) that makes up our objective reality

Semiotics= disagreement between whether someone gives signs to objects in reality OR whether things have intrinsic meaning?


Is one’s definition of GOD an indication of one’s level of consciousness?


How thankful I am! That We live in a world that no longer makes sense of things with God- although God traditionally is used as a substitute for Nature- We can now get answers to the questions of Nature with Science and Using Technology for its Purpose

[“Technology has its unintended consequences”- Martin Heidegger]


Does mind have substance?

Are thoughts considered material? Do thoughts have matter? Or are they ephemeral? Airy?




When will the Dark give in to Light?

Dark and Light (Ignorance and Truth) cannot be equated to Evil and Good

Everyone does Good.

Evil cannot be hated out.

Love your enemy so that they see the Light, and learn to love---- they need to be loved


One must have empathy for those who suffer- especially those who know not that they suffer, and those who know not what makes them suffer. They continue to desire for things, thinking that by obtaining an object they will find happiness. They may experience some excitement and joy but this only lasts for a fleeting moment. 

The end-goal must instead have to do with attaining peace- reaching liberation (a state of everlasting peace)- harmony with people and nature around you- and a true understanding of the nature of the mind and reality.

[The “end” signifies a “beginning.” The “goal” implies a path, a series of ever-further seceding markers of accomplishment into the distant future]

They desire for things which appeal to the senses. The justification goes as follows: “These objects have value.” They do not seem to notice or care that objects have no worth except for that which is established by an ugly society with a false set of standards. When a thing fails to fulfill an ideal, one attaches to another object to renew the hunger for stuff- the appetite becomes insatiable thus leading to greed and deplorable actions. The object inevitably gets rejected by its apparent “flaws” and “insufficiency” rather than the subject realizing that the unsatisfactoriness resulted from preconceptions and misconceptions in the mind. 

Life becomes painful not getting what you want. Desire for worldly possessions creates negative emotions like frustration, anger, and envy…



The “mind-flower”...

Innocence= Naiveté

Wisdom= Knowing what to do in a given scenario

...grows with vigor to the Sun, opens petals to the Air


  1. Physical/material reality

  2. Metaphysical reality “Other-worldly”

  3. Spiritual reality

Timeless paradigm- each moment has meaning and reason

Philosophies -----> Ideas versus Experiences


Save the beavers! Woodchucks!

Save the canyons! Valleys!


Science is a philosophical inquiry of Mother Nature.

A statement of scientific fact/findings is not as interesting as the question which ought to naturally follow: 

Why is it this way? How does it appear to act in a particular way?

What makes a phenomena follow a specific behavior?



Where abides the mind?

Where dwells human consciousness?


“What does “the mind” comprise of?” -----> The question implies that the mind is matter


We are all equal -----> although all of us differ in cognitive ability and manual skill

We all deserve respect ------> based on our moral sensibilities/ responsibilities i.e. how we respond to a need, or rise to the call of human action (?)




Senses of Perception produced by the brain VERSUS Consciousness

“Consciousness”= an all-word for Thoughts (AKA Stream of Consciousness) and Awareness <<OBSERVATION>>

No Observer!

Nothing acts as it appears to us

Everything has a Reality of its own which has feeling-qualities one can ascertain.

Being could have the description of taking in the complex systems of nature and the nature of us

Reality then is the extra-ordinarily complex system of nature separate from one’s being but also encompassing our being.


The new school has qualities of the old school

The old school becomes the new school.

Examples: The Nag Hammadi library, Eleusinian Mysteries…


People’s ignorance of science astounds me. What shocks me is how easily people become persuaded by “common-sense” arguments instead of exploring the evidence given, and questioning the validity of claims along with the soundness of rigorous scientific logic. We live in an age where everyone uses GPS on their cellphones but no one seems to give a damn about Einstein’s theory of relativity which brought about these advances. Ironically we could use these devices to spread knowledge but rather we use them advantageously- playing app games to distract us from the reality of human communication i.e. social interaction- claiming that they make our lives easier when they simply make faster the speed at which information travels.

    If my friends dispute my knowledge of some fact at a dinner party, it has become easy for them to Google it in order to change my way of thinking (asserting one’s assurance with backing AKA supporting evidence). It’s no longer “Take my word for it!” or “Look it up for yourself!”


Is “pro-faith” scientist an oxymoron?


The fact that we cannot see “past” the ‘Big Bang’ is not a “limit of science” but rather a limit of the space-time dimensions of the Universe!

*People who want to invoke a GOD-OF-THE-HOLES-TO-PLUG-UP-OUR-IGNORANCE do no justice for rational thought

Misconceptions… Do people actually have FAITH in SCIENCE? Or does the method of science speak for itself? Nature is truth, whether you think it or not.

Don’t allow people (to try) to convince you any “proof” of the existence of “God” based on fallacies attached to the word SCIENCE

Some people might just not have the levels of abstraction to interpret scientific facts in order to discover the real implications of them-----> 

Thinking of life without INFLUENCE or INTELLIGENT DESIGN leaves people feeling comfortless and lacking meaning or purpose?

(The ego seems to feel like it never dies- attachment to the self makes the ego feel like the “spirit” of consciousness reincarnates in future forms)

The debilitating belief in God is not compatible with the method of inquiry we call the scientific endeavor

<<Through the Other we find Ourselves>>


Show me the facts! The evidence!

Do not rely on a leap of faith to forward a proposition for a “God-centric” Universe (i.e. a Universe created by God). The only time that “God” enters the picture of explaining the origins of the universe is when someone wishes to justify a belief in Him/Her by any means possible already.

One has no need for God (a man-made construct) in describing reality when the Wonder of Nature is great.

[Is the explanation of “God did it” characteristic of people not understanding something?

Is giving the “God did it” explanation evidence for one having a lack of knowledge or a fundamental preconception of how physics operate?]

Why does there exist an obsession with asserting that something else created the universe?

The universe could not have come into being in its earliest formation?


Like photons from a light source

The concept of the state of the things before the Big Bang as having no space- no time- no laws of physics- can only relate to a person’s conception of God in a nominal sense which is that it is inconceivable/incomprehensible (due to the three dimensions that we inhabit) and unknowable (due to the speed of light constant, the nature of time and gravity). “God” in this sense has no aspect of morality. It has no guiding principle or force. It just exists and our nervous system cannot process its power- OR it merely exists as a figment of our imagination, yet powerful still.

People who wish to stay in ignorance appear to exist in a state of “bliss” because they know not what they have to miss. Although a true state of bliss comes to one who has correct knowledge. He/She who deals with people choosing to live in ignorance knows that ignorance stems from fear and has no bliss.

To say one understands the COSMOS at the deepest level is to fail in grasping it fully.


Those who go on searching do not find.

The Peaceful One lets all things come naturally .

He/She does not force action.

He/She does not ask for material wealth from others.

He/She does not quarrel or become physically violent unless defending oneself

He/She keeps His/Her Inner Thoughts to Him/Herself


Believe in the Visions of Christ!

Those who have no God, no Higher Being, no attribution to a higher Divine Spirit-Essence…

Let them see IT in me!

Let them know of its Magnificence in my Grace.

Let them know that God is Mankind and that every worshipped deity in human history on Earth can become manifestations of the mind.


We ought to worship the living creatures by securing/conserving their natural habitats. The coeval animals with whom we share genetic information from our distant ancestors we ought to consider mythic and venerable. Yet we kill God’s animals and unknowingly destroy their territory/land, with the rationalization that humans (as higher primates) have more of a right to exploit resources because of our ability to think- regardless of how that negatively affects other species. I would argue that as intelligent beings we have more responsibility thrust upon us to protect the environment. God will not save us after we have destroyed Ourselves- She cannot… to prevent the destruction of that which gives us prevent a calamitous demise of human civilization. The two things that we depend on for survival are two things taken most for granted. AIR and WATER. 

We know that the ecosystem has interconnectedness which has yet to become fully understood. We did not predict the shrinkage of native bee species’ populations. If we continue living without considering the consequences of our actions then we cannot predict the next catastrophe. Unfortunately, there is no way to replace these indigenous species once we have driven them to extinction. We do not know how we have affected the balance of the scales of nature. We do not have the technology to repair the damages that our technology inflicts on the atmosphere by changing chemistry of the air (for example, increased quantities of methane and carbon dioxide exacerbate the “greenhouse effect” increasing average global temperatures, which melts sea ice and frozen H20 in glaciers near the poles, which then raises the sea level).


The appearance of the action of the Cosmos need not make total sense to an Earthly being. What matters more is the ability to ask the most profound questions, and bask in knowing very little about that which we can never know. One can only kindle that feeling of awe about the meaninglessness of the Universe and OUR PLACE IN IT


Does WSJ writer use the word “God” as a ‘catch-all’ term for a sense of purpose?

[If so, his use of the word “God” is some sort of NEW AGE (Religion) DECEPTION]

If so, the advancements of scientific knowledge (in all fields) give humanity a sense of purpose (even spiritual wonder) without any need for a Creator other than the mother that gave birth to you (and that was just DNA replicated by a sperm and egg at that!)

*No need for an unmoved mover*

The facts laid before us in astronomy, modern particle physics and astrophysics which compare our modern cosmology goes beyond any intellectual’s concept of God in any ancient (or present-day) cosmogony. We no longer require an Imagined Entity to further the discovery of reality’s principle/laws/”patterns of change visible to us”. It does a disservice to the scientific community- playing the God-card- claiming that science has progressed to a point of conversion.

At no point will a sound scientific theory contain the infinite regression of the God hypothesis (nor is the Higgs-Boson the “God-particle”). Of course one has the freedom to express their views, but wrong views have no place in the discussion concerning the pursuit of higher knowledge.

It is also unfair to equate prominent physicists’ overwhelming feeling of “unity in nature” or “deeper profound reality” to a belief in “God.” There still exist preconceptions about what answers science has to offer, and then more misconceptions about those answers. The exploration of our world (and our mind) involves as much learning that one was wrong about the way things work than it is about learning new ways of the world. One can see how this could be difficult for some people whose entire Weltanschauung (“view of the world”) may seem challenged radically by the Western science paradigm. Fear of change often forces people to cling onto outdated belief systems. 

Some fear that science may compromise their values. Some see attitude changes as inherently negative and thus become unwilling to open their sense to the accepted truths. Living in the bubble of false security, they give up the security of knowing- of CERTAINTY. They’d rather not know than know too much- because to know too much means to change behavior.

Proper education needs to teach/discuss the ways of thinking about Ideas, rather than just the Ideas by themselves. Students need to see first-hand (or be able to visualize) the application of the process (Ideas) which they have learned.


Since when did stupidity become a valid excuse for doing non-sense things and creating a poor life for oneself?

Some people turn to religion for its view on morality- and/or likewise turn away from science for its apparent lack of morality. I would argue that the approach of ‘science’ is much more moral than religion for having morality centered on the individual (humanism) rather than some artificial being in the Heavens.


When people speak of “God,” do they mean consciousness?

How did we gain self-consciousness? (i.e. awareness of the mind)


Solve your own problems. Do not rely on others. Only one knows best what's right and good for them. When no one helps out, do it yourself. Go your own way- Blaze your own path. Do not follow those who merely walk down blind alleys- they often do not have the light of truth (and justice) to shine on the Way of Life. Live in the Spirit of the Moment. Don't work for nothing. Do things that you love to do. Make the American Dream happen- the new "American Dream." Not the old fake one. That's not realizable for everyone. Becoming oneself, finding people with equal mindsets, exploring the world, traveling the road which flows from the heart of the mountains to the heart of the city... We are separate-but-together. We appear different, but we are the same. We have become one-and-equal. To think you're the one and only to have love and still feel lonely- The mind burns on like a raging fire... unable still to quench all desire. Physical, mental, and spiritual want causes pain- "belongingness," attachment to objects/others/self brings about suffering…


Let the gravestones at the edge of town remind you that we live just to die…

And you don’t want to die here.


River flowing endlessly

Flows to the ocean 

WAA- waves...brings back this feeling-

Moment of clarity

Moments of validation

See passed the void -----> into the energy

Awaken the mind

Sleep in the heavenly space

(glorious, hopeful place)

To be in a foreign place

(to know the eternal grace)

Face the facts of life

Discerning lies from truths

Gives one a blinding sight


Am I seeing? Am I being things?

Am I hearing things?

    Am I fearing things?

Am I nearing the end?


No one but yourself to blame for…



“All-is-One, One-is-All”

There exists Physical truths

The Laws that govern the Experiencing of Reality.

Such as the Laws of Conservation and Thermodynamics

(No duality of mind-and-matter)


When oppressed in a society, people will eventually rise up

Teach, don’t preach

You live and you learn

Live and let live

The answer to any question can be found within the mind



Had the strangest feeling of “jamais vu”, or having been someplace for the first time.

At the cusp or edge of an event horizon


Knowledge awaits

The truth will prevail

All that lives eventually decays


Transcend your pre-conceived notions of “God” if you still wish to adhere to a belief in “Him/Her”

We all have divinity within us- It is only a matter of “divining” our souls

God transcends all words and thought

    Beyond being and non-being

Truth and beauty

Two things that one cannot define yet we all know it when we see it


Beginning of life- Evolution of invertebrate organisms- *Dinosaur extinction*

How we evolved into modern humans today (the lower function) is different from what we’re evolving into now (higher function)... the adaptations that helped humans survive in grasslands and plains are no longer as helpful/useful in earning a living/finding a mate.

Our animal nature needs to be sublimated into a group-centered social intelligence (knowing how to get along with a group, needing the group in order to hunt and support families). Other desirable characteristics/traits are selected- morality and intelligence are sought more than dominant behaviors.


How to love yourself=

Stay healthy: Eat well, exercise

Mental focus: Reading


I’m happy to be alive!

Let go- Don’t hold on

Explore deeper states of consciousness

Escape your mind-body

“Know thyself; do not follow the multitudes” - inscription at the Oracle of Delphi

Embody Christ

Express your mind/ Inner Self


Why do we feel so much loss when someone we know decides to move on with their life?

We ought to feel joy for having had that person in our life at all.

Why do we miss someone so much after they’re gone when we were lonely all along?

<Effective writing paints a picture with the descriptive words it uses>

The sense of time

The magic and mystery of the mind


Resorting to violence is a sign of weakness

People respect those who have humility and no ego about the great things they do.

What causes paranoid mistrust in the government? What makes conspiracy theories plausible to so many people? 

Can the government be trusted?


Know what you do well

Know your limits

Have determination

Perseverance, persistence

Have perspective

Set out to achieve your goals

Don’t let anything stop you

Embrace being weird

Being a freak of nature

Being different

Stay informed


Living inside a bubble

    A self-created paradigm

Feeling you lack the willpower

Struggling to find empathy

Letting go of a lingering emotion of “love”

(or is it uninformed desire hastening towards disaster)

Love grows from a wellspring of attraction and happiness…

Rather than lusting over strangers anxiously while quickly losing faith in oneself and faith in “love” (forming a deep connection with someone)

Value independence

Probably come off as too needy


Life is wondering what’s gonna come your way next. What are you going to make happen? Make big changes in the way you’re living and it may pay off in rewards which are immeasurable. Life itself does not have a value (“you cannot put a price on it”). Life has no intrinsic value yet we must value life and overall well-being for those living. Life as whole on our planet has created abundance and diversity in the DNA/gene pool to perpetuate LIFE as we know it in some way or another regardless of the circumstances on the global ecosystem of Earth.


Wake up if you are sleeping

Arise if you are awake

Become free with us…


When the Earth stands still and the stars switch to opposite poles- when the lava flows and ash clouds loom overhead, what government can possibly save us? No one but us. Wind-power and greenhouses. Solar energy and water conservation/recycling. It’s very possible that human life on this Earth has less time than we realize.

With unpredictable changes in weather patterns due to global warming, we humans may have brought upon ourselves a world-wide crisis with cataclysmic disasters that we have no way to prepare for, in terms of wide-scale emergency relief. In the occurrence of coastal cities becoming mostly inhabitable because of rising sea levels, people will lose their homes and become forced to be relocated.

Humans must abandon their current lifestyle. We should be conserving our limited resources on this planet.


Time has no task but to tick

Life has no option but to live

A woman has no way but to wonder

The race of man has no choice but to sacrifice


Hanging on by a thread

Fearing death

Life is always on the edge of death

We as animals are never far from the possibility of extinction

Most of the things that people worry or complain about are trivial compared to the higher purposes of mankind…

We focus on terrestrial affairs rather than cosmic

Remembering that we’re in space, in a galaxy in a cosmos


Life gets shorter everyday but life is too short anyway...Live life as though you’d live long


“God”/The Universe



There is no time without space

There is no space without time

The subjective feeling of free will 

And the objective appearance of determinism and environmental factors


Thought becomes you

What you think becomes what you recognize as your “self”

Perhaps there exists no “self” and what we have always considered real is actually an illusion


When did we decide we weren’t gonna hide in the face of fear?


Action without action

Doing without doing

“Mind with no-mind”


We live in a fantasy world in our heads. Nothing in our minds has any “reality.” We live in a reality coexisting with intersubjective “realities.”


It appears as if the patterns we see in/on the physical world are projections of the mind rather than intrinsic qualities of the physical world.


There was a time when I did not contemplate mortality and death. 

I just knew I’d grow old and things wouldn’t be so simple.

There was a time when things didn’t matter much at all- 

Poverty, starvation, war, threat of nuclear catastrophe, and overpopulation were not on my mind.


My guitar...I lie next to her body in bed...sometimes she sings a lullaby...a song to lull me to sleep



Richard Dawkins, Douglas Hofstadter, Graham Hancock, Carl Sagan…Gödel, Escher, Bach…

Ekundayo, Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder

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Accept All, Expect Nothing (2008)

<<For relief, have some belief>> Fateful flows from foes or my gangster bros knowing what they’re meant to be What does it mean ...