We are a mysterious wave like a specter of light. Like a shadow in the Darkness. A ghost in the machine. A Timeless energy stuck in between quantum states.
We are unmoving movement, an eternal moment, the flicker of a star, the tail of a comet... We are what we are.
We are what we give. We give what we know. And we know what we have.
We are meaning in a meaningless universe.
We are a flow in the ocean of consciousness.
We are a pebble on the beach of existence.
We are Wonder, passion, wavelengths of sound, layers of dirt and dust... We are everything and nothing.
We are water and fire.
We are the full moon peeking through the clouds, reflecting off the rippling snow.
We are all individual yet the same.
We are all identical yet different.
We are two but also one.
We are a duality but united.
We have substance but no matter...
We live just to die, we fall and we falter, failing to follow the patterns set by our forefathers.
We feign a fiction to fulfill our fantasies and furnish our memories with falsehoods and confabulations.
We finish it off with fun and fairy tales.
We are Gods disguised as Mortals.
We are in a prison disguised as freedom.
We are Wanderlust in a cage.
We are at peace in war and our minds are at War in peace. We feel happiness when we cry and we feel sadness when we smile.
We are like spring and fall- ever-changing...
We are like summer and winter- forever still and calm...
We think we know but we only see.
We hear the sounds, but what could it be?
We plan our will, but is it destiny?
We know our strengths but still question our ability.
We are stubbornness and fragility, clumsiness and humility... We are sincerely searching for serenity in a sunset, finding fecundity in the foliage... folding in for a night's sleep.
We are a stream of melted ice on a mountain trail.
We are somebody but nobody.
It's better to have a lot of enemies than a bunch of fairweather friends. Creating controversy means that you've probably said something profound that's worth arguing about. There's no use in debating over the popular fashion that everyone agrees on.
We have no other purpose than to find our purpose.
There is no wisdom that is new or not already known.
The wise go into the Hills like Hermits because no one listens to them anyway. No one pays attention to their heed... Until the prophecy comes true.
No one takes their advice until it's too late to turn back.
No one cares for the truth until they're sick and dying from the lies.
No one prays for heaven until they have seen hell and stared death in his eyes.
No one saves for old age until their youthfulness disappears. No one longs for love like the one whose seen it go.
No one stays to say good night and turn off the lights when everyone leaves (no one really cares about you or for me). People only care about their dreams, even though reality is never quite as it seems.
Everyday is an experience of the ridiculous to the sublime, the sacred to the profane, the enlightening to the mundane. We try to sustain with food for the brain and maintain our composure, obtain control of this thought-plane, and pretend that we're not going insane.
We seek fortune and fame (how could you blame us?) and yet we're really all the same plain Jane, all playing the game but each calling it by a different name...
You'll know who won by what friends remain at the end of the day, who is by your side and who left you standing in the rain. When you know the truth there's nothing about which to complain.
There's no loss or gain.
There's no joy or pain.
There's only heart and mind and body... And the soul is along for the ride.
To know yourself is a luxury- to know the self as illusory...
To know that we live forever in imagination...
To know that those sleepless nights, the agitation, and the artists' frustration does not go unrecognized...
To know that the pursuit of happiness is always at our fingertips within Reach and that the journey means much more than the destination...
To know that we awake only to make more mistakes...
To know the real from the fakes, the angels from the snakes, the diseased from the healed...
To know that the stars are a million Rising Suns with a unique religion under every one...
To know the Ultimate Beauty, Oh Tranquil one!- Awareness
(the sweetest thing: music to the ears of the devas, they clasp their hands in amusement for they adore to partake in the magic of the fruit of life: its knowing)
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